How Do I Liquidate My Gold and Silver?

Call your favorite dealer! 

But seriously, wherever you are in the world, there will be dealers willing to buy your gold and silver. The most important thing is to make sure the dealer is reliable. Also, ensure they have a social proof (online reviews, high BBB ranking, etc.) If you’re in the United States, you’ll generally do well by selling to a low-overhead dealer that does a large volume of bullion business. These types of dealers have low margins.

Meaning you’ll get the most for your bullion, and My Gold Advisor is one such dealer. If you don’t have a relationship with a dealer, your best bet is to go to a local coin dealer and bring the items you’re ready to sell. They can cut you a check right on the spot.

If you have a relationship with a dealer, like the one you bought the items from, you can usually get a quote, if you’re agreeable, the dealer will lock in the price.

Once you have a price lock, write the confirmation number down and package your stuff up to send to the dealer. Typically, the dealer will wire the funds once the package is received and the metals are checked-in.


The best time to sell your gold or silver is when you have another, better use for your money, or when gold and silver are overpriced.

You’ll have a good idea when gold and silver are overpriced when certain key ratios are met.

Just because gold and silver move up 5% this week doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a great time to sell. Never go to a "Cash4Gold" or other "We Buy Gold" type of business in your local strip mall. Beware of all these “cash for gold” stores popping up everywhere.

It’s funny because they tend to be an empty room in a strip mall with a window sign saying, “We Buy Gold!” Inside you’ll find a counter, likely behind a bulletproof window. These businesses are making 100% to 200% instead of a fair margin of perhaps 5% to 15%. They do this by ripping off their consumers who don't know any better.

NEVER bring your gold or silver to these types of establishments if you want to be treated fairly.

If you want to receive a competitive market price of the melted value of your gold.. 
👉 Call MyGoldAdvisor for a FREE consultation!

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